About the Turf Network


The Turf network consists of landscape architects, designers, craftsmen and artists. An architectural and planning network, characterized by an environmental spirit, teamwork across expertise areas and new ways of approaching landscape and urbanity.

The Turf Network consists of 7 companions, representing different facets within landscape – and architecture, all concentrating on interaction between landscape, architecture and the user.

Every nation has special ways of approaching architecture, special methods within craftsmanship based on a certain cultural understanding. Globalization may make the world seem smaller and more accessible though the effect on diversity of arts, architecture and planning is to be questioned. The Turf Network has a certain interest in making heritage a resource in counterbalancing the architectural monotony of globalization.

Keywords: sustainability. social sustainability. a network of people. design. landscape architecture. realization of projects. Nordic heritage. outdoor teaching. playground design. nature areas.