Tina is a landscape architect and a building technician. She has a masters degree from the Copenhagen University – Life science, with a Bachelors degree from The royal Danish Academy of fine arts & architecture.
As a landscape architect, she has a special flair for design & proportions and is spot on when analyzing the project.
Tina worked on analyzing the uses of cemeteries, past and present. Based on these studies she proposed a guideline for future designers working with planning and designing cemeteries.
These works have been read and used by landscape architects and municipalities dealing with the subject. The results of the user survey have been presented for Center for kirkegårde (Centre for Cemeteries) in Copenhagen.
Tina Brix Lind. Landscape architect MSc.
Kenny Drews Vej 27. 2450 Kbh Sv. Denmark. Phone: 0045 2167 0903 e-mail: tina-brix@live.dk